After exactly 28 years of working with people who are blind or visually impaired, Dominic Gagliano has officially retired from HumanWare. Admired for his dedication to our mission of “enabling people with vison loss to fully participate in society”, his caring attitude with his customers and his vast knowledge of our industry, Dominic leaves HumanWare with a numerous list of accomplishments. It has been a real honor and a great pleasure for us to work with Dominic over the past 28 years.

“I’ve enjoyed every BrailleNote workshop I’ve conducted, all the computers and braille displays that I’ve installed and all the wonderful teachers, students and parents that I’ve met over the years”, said Dominic. “Many of them remain close friends and bring back so many fun and rewarding memories. Many of us are now retiring so it’s time to pass on the baton!”
After earning a degree in Music Education, Dominic found himself in Mexico City playing bassoon in an orchestra for five years. After returning to the US and selling pianos for Baldwin, he met Jim Halliday, at the time President of HumanWare US. “I remember us talking about music during my interview and it seemed a good time to try something completely different. It wasn’t until after a few years that I remembered my grandfather was blind as well as my music teacher in grade school. I would often guide him through the halls and read to him as he mentored my musical dreams. I never really thought of them as different, but just as other adults.”
“I want to express a big thank you to everyone for the rewarding experiences and tremendous opportunities that have been provided to me. There are so many people in the past and present that have contributed to my learning experience and success. So what will I do next, well I hope to enjoy leisure travel, studying Italian, swimming and hiking in the desert, and getting back to playing the piano!” says Dominic.
Please join all of us at HumanWare to thank Dominic for all he has done for HumanWare and for the field of visual impairment. “His contribution has been extraordinary and we want to thank him for dedicating almost his entire career to our industry.” says Gilles Pepin, CEO of HumanWare.
Have a great retirement Dominic!
The HumanWare team